Huckleberry’s HYPE Speakers with our SF Health Education Team
Huckleberry’s HIV Youth Prevention Education series (HYPE) is a robust, 3-session workshop dedicated to addressing the multiple facets of HIV, reducing stigma, and preventing HIV transmission among adolescents.
HYPE is rooted in the National Sexuality Standards (developed by leaders in sexual health education) and is in compliance with California Standards for HIV/AIDS education.
Over the course of three workshops, students learn facts about HIV and methods to reduce infection (including the use of PrEP, available at the Huckleberry Youth Health Center in San Francisco). On the last day of the series, HYPE provides young people with an opportunity to learn from and dialogue with a person impacted by HIV.
If you have been impacted by HIV and are interested in applying to become a HYPE speaker, please submit this application.

What youth are saying about HYPE:
“I learned that it just takes only 20 minutes to get your HIV test results. And that I have a right to have an HIV test without anyone’s permission.”
“HIV does not define the person. It is hard to be accepted in a harsh world, but it can still be achieved.”
“I learned that you can go a while without realizing you have HIV…I will let my friends know that there are treatments for HIV.”
“I learned that people with HIV are just like any other person and can still have a very normal life. Something I’ll share with others is that it’s okay to be different and to not judge others because you don’t know that person’s story.”